How I Overcame The Fear of Failure

Copy of Copy of Forbe's Self Made List.png

Why are we so afraid to fail? Is it because we dread to disappoint our family, friends, mentors, or even acquaintances? 

Failure can be caused by different things:

  • Self-sabotage

  • Low self-esteem

  • Perfectionism

  • Reluctance

Combine them all and take a deep breath because you've got some work to do.

The fear of failure causes us to do nothing, therefore, preventing us to move forward, accomplish our dreams, and take the next step. The fear of failure causes us to lose out on the great opportunities we have in life. 

I stopped being afraid to fail when I realize that failure is just an inevitable part of life. Without failure, we don't learn from our mistakes. We stop growing. Fear should not conquer you. YOU should conquer it. 

Here are some ways you can start overcoming the fear of failing: 

1. Shorten your goals

Yes, having a list of goals is important. It's a great way for you to visualize how and why you want to reach that point in your life, but overcomplicating your goals can prevent you from getting there in the first place. Try shortening your goals and taking it one day at a time. For instance, if it's always been your dream to work for a Fortune 500 company then start researching and finding ways to network with the professionals who work there. Remember it's not what you know but who you know. Once you accomplish the smaller goals the bigger ones will start to flourish and you, my friend, will become one step closer to ruling the world. 

Okay, maybe not rule the world, but you get what I mean. 

2. Be positive

You are good enough. Whatever happens, even if things don't work out that just means it wasn't meant to be. I believe that everything in our life happens for a reason and we can allow our circumstances to either define our future or keep us stagnant. Create a list every day of the top 3 things you're grateful for everyday :)

3. Have a Plan B (just in case) 

This is only if you're really afraid of failing and need something to back up on. Also, this TedTalk can help you understand the psychology of failure a little better. 

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